Major Tom
"Major Tom" by Silberhaze is a poster measuring 18" x 18" featuring a mesmerizing depiction of Major Tom, the space oddity. This psychonaut is floating outside his tin can, amidst a constellation of cannabis leaves.
Part of the Limited Edition Japanese Poster Series by Silberhaze.
"Major Tom" by Silberhaze is a poster measuring 18" x 18" featuring a mesmerizing depiction of Major Tom, the space oddity. This psychonaut is floating outside his tin can, amidst a constellation of cannabis leaves.
Part of the Limited Edition Japanese Poster Series by Silberhaze.
"Major Tom" by Silberhaze is a poster measuring 18" x 18" featuring a mesmerizing depiction of Major Tom, the space oddity. This psychonaut is floating outside his tin can, amidst a constellation of cannabis leaves.
Part of the Limited Edition Japanese Poster Series by Silberhaze.