BudScouts Copper Badge - The Fungal Fighter


Copper: part antioxidant, part fungal bodyguard. It’s your plant’s secret weapon for root health and stress resistance. Keep uptake groovy with a pH of 5.0–6.5. With this badge, you’re the plant whisperer and protector—do it for the roots.

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Copper: part antioxidant, part fungal bodyguard. It’s your plant’s secret weapon for root health and stress resistance. Keep uptake groovy with a pH of 5.0–6.5. With this badge, you’re the plant whisperer and protector—do it for the roots.

Copper: part antioxidant, part fungal bodyguard. It’s your plant’s secret weapon for root health and stress resistance. Keep uptake groovy with a pH of 5.0–6.5. With this badge, you’re the plant whisperer and protector—do it for the roots.

What are BudScouts?

BudScouts are for us—homegrowers, science nerds, commercial cultivators, breeders, horticulturists, and curious humans who dig cannabis knowledge. BudScouts is about celebrating these elements of growth and their role in the green kingdom.

Wear these badges with pride, because we’re all collaborators in the name of cannabis science.

Shakti – The Cosmic Bloom Badge
BudScouts Boron Badge - The Bud Booster
BudScouts Phosphorus Badge - The Bud Factory Manager
Lucid Gates – The Dreamwalker Badge
Taproot – The Anchor Badge